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About Name in Kanji



Convert your name into kanji and create a work of art

I convert the names of people from overseas into kanji and create calligraphy works.


I converted Nancy’s characters into kanji and made a piece of shikishi paper. I was asked to do this from New York a few years ago.

A calligrapher will hand-write your name into kanji and create a calligraphy piece.

By having your name converted into kanji and written by a calligrapher, you can create a one-of-a-kind original piece of work.


Convert name to kanji/名前を漢字に変換します

First, you need to convert your name (first name, middle name, last name) into kanji.
Please let us know how to read it in romanized letters so we can know how to pronounce it.
I would appreciate it if you could also tell me the meaning of your name.

1. Conversion to Kanji/漢字への変換

  • We will ask calligrapher Seisyu Kamata to choose auspicious characters. If you can tell us the origin and image of the name, it will be easier to convert it into Japanese kanji. Please also tell us how to read it in romanized letters. Please also tell us the origin of the name.
  • 書道家の鎌田惺舟さんに縁起の良い文字を選びます。名前の由来やイメージを教えていただけると日本の漢字に変換しやすくなります。ローマ字での読み方も教えてください。名前の由来も教えてください。

2.How to deliver the work/作品のお渡し方

Digital Content/データコンテンツ

You will receive the digital content. You can check the data and download it after payment.

In the case of autographed colored paper/サイン色紙の場合


There will be two different patterns of the colored paper works to be presented to you, and you will be asked to choose one.

Put it in a scroll for colored paper/色紙用の掛け軸に入れる

We also sell hanging scrolls in the size required for the autographed illustration separately. We will send them to you when you place your order.

3. We can accommodate any other requests./その他のご要望に応えます。

  • If you have any requests regarding size or content of the work, please let us know using the inquiry form below.
  • 大きさや作品の内容もご要望がございましたら、下記のお問い合わせフォームからお知らせください。

※Please use short sentences as they will be understood by translation software.

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